WGCS | VishwaCTF-2023 Resources

Learn some CTF tips and tricks! Presented by the WGCS Club at KLSGIT

Project Created by KLSGIT-WGCS Maintained By — Darshan


Challenge Description

Nice guys finish last, but following the rules just may gain you some points!


An interesting title and description to say the least. CTFs usually have discord servers for all communication regarding the CTF between the organisers and participants to clear any confusions or doubts. It was true for VishwaCTF too.

Read the description again carefully: ‘…following the **rules** just may gain you some points’. Taking a look at the discord server there was a rules and announcements channel. And right there under the title of the channel in all its glory stood our flag !!



Such challenges are also seen often. The key to solving is think carefully and correlate things with each other.